
I’m on my way to believing

Posted in hahehahahehrehwaherah by Cheryl on October 24, 2010

(taken some weeks ago)

Why are you trying so hard to show me that you don’t care? Seriously, it’s unnecessary -.-
OH HAHA, I just succeeded in talking my mother into buying me contacts. Double yay!
Today morning my mother told me to go to the market to get her some Pandan leaves. You know Pandan leaves always have worms or leeches hiding amongst the leaves. My mother always screams when she washes them, and I always laugh at her. HAHA now it’s my turn. But anyway I quickly picked a few bunches and asked the auntie to chop off the dirty part. Mission accomplished 🙂
I should take better care of my complexion. It’s so depressing to see ugly marks all over my forehead 😦 And I really need to lose more weight. Damn it, my appetite seems to be back ever since the chalet started. I must start doing something to lose the idiotic weight again.
Anyway,Yay, I finally snapped some photos using my Holga! I can’t wait to see how the photos will turn out. I’m hoping it would be amazing~ Cos I used it to capture Bella’s birthday celebration. The chalet was pretty enjoyable to me, even though I spent most of the time in the room lying on the bed HAHA. Chalet makes us lazy doesn’t it? And the thing is even though I slept a lot, my eye lids are closing as I type this 😦
Today is the last day of going to my ah ma house 😦 Sad 到爆. I have a strong affinity for it cos I grew up there and it’s like my second home where everyone gathers and have fun every Sunday. I took it for granted because I never considered the fact that it can’t belong to us forever 😦 But I’m gonna have fun there today so yay.

Anyway, there are things that I wouldn’t talk about even with my boyfriend so why would I wanna tell a stranger like you!!!!! I’m saying that you’re not my cup of tea/coffee. Plus, I know you’re not even serious and I’m just another girl you’re interested in -.- So you should just stop flirting and give up on me. Irritating like hell. Shit, I should really learn how to be harsh to ppl!

Okay, I got to go SP to support my mother now so 1…2…3 bye!

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